Friday, July 31, 2009

Continuously variable proportional circle map

Continuously variable proportional circle maps utilize circles to create point data. The circles are in proportion to the variable being measured. This map is obviously of Canada. The circles represent the population distribution in 1980.


A DOQQ is used to measure true distances. It is an accurate representation of the surface. The DOQQ adjusts for topographic relief, tilt of the camera,etc. This map is of a small section of Washington, DC.


A Digital Elevation Model (DEM) is a digital representation of terrain. This map was taken by the USGS of Oregon.


Digital Line Graphs result from contour lines. This map was taken from the USGS.

Thursday, July 23, 2009


A Digital Raster Graphic (DRG) map is usually created by the USGS (US Geological Survey). This map shows a proposed hiking trip route. In this map, purple represents the start of the trip and red is the end. The green, yellow and orange show the track at the north end of the map, showing the order of the points.


Isopleth maps generalize and simplify data through 3-d. These types of maps are common for mapping surface elevations, rain level,etc. This map shows the rain fall for New Zealand.


Isopachs are contour lines of equal thickness. An isopach map illustrates this thickness with a stratum. This map shows Geneseo Shale (thickness is measured in feet).


Isohyets are lines that join points of equal precipitation. This map shows rainfall using data used from measurements taken at sites where rainfall is monitored by the Taranaki Regional Council.


Isotachs are lines of constant wind speed. This map is an isotach analysis for Hurricane Ava (1973). The solid lines show the direction of the air flow and the dashed lines (isotachs) show the windspeed.


Isobar maps are maps that are illustrated with contour lines. These lines join places of equal average atmospheric pressure reduced to sea level for a specified period of time. This map is showing the lines of constant atmospheric pressure.


LIDAR is a laser ranging technique that is used for high-resolution topographic data. This map shows the ocean floor in 3-d imagery.

Dopplar radar

This is a doppler radar for July 23, 2009, from the Weather Channel. The green in the map shows rainfall and its predicted path.

Black and white aerial photo map

This black and white aerial photo of the I-70 and I-35 in Kansas City.

Infrared aerial photo

This is an infrared aerial photo map of Lyndon B Johnson's Historical Park. The map shows that the park is in 2 separate districts.

Cartographic Animations

This cartographic animations map shows the latiudinal and seasonal variations of solar input.

Statistical Maps

This statistical map is a map showing the international connectivity for June 1997. Through the use of statistical data and color coding, the map shows the areas with internet, email only, etc.


There are 2 types of cartograms: area and distance. I have chosen an area cartogram. Each county was rescaled in proportion to its population and reflects the results of the 2004 US Presidential election (popular vote).

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Flow Maps

Flow maps are a mix of maps and flow charts that show the movement of objects from one location to another. This map is a Telecommunications Flow Map that shows the volume of international telephone calls between nations.

Isoline Map

Isoline Maps use continuous lines to join points of the same value. These type of maps are commonly used to portray high and low weather patterns. This map was taken from the Doppler Radar at 10:50 a.m. on July 9, 2009.

Proportional Circle Map

Proportional Circle Map show pie symbols to represent quantifiable data which is proportional to the amount represented relative to other symbols of the same type on the same map. The symbols in this map represents major industries in Germany.

Dot Distribution Map

Dot distribution maps portray quantitative data as dots. The pattern of dots reflect general locations where a particular phenomenon most likely occured. This map shows the locations of Millennium Medical Products Inc.

Choropleth Maps

Choropleth maps have areas that are shaded in proportion to the measurement of statistical variables, such as population density. This map is from the Department of Agriculture which gauged the acres of hay in the United States in2002.

Friday, July 3, 2009

Propaganda maps

Propaganda Maps are used to incite emotions in others towards a particular cause. Hitler believed that it was the manipulative power over one's emotions that would be of an enormous value to him. Propaganda maps have also been used to extend ideas to the illiterate masses. This map was created by the French to show the ports and shipping centers that were bombed by the Luftwaffe.

Hypsometric Maps

Hypsometric maps are maps that show elevation by contours or through shading, tinting or batching. This is a map of Hawaii showing the island and the varying elevations.


PLSS Maps are used for titles and deeds of land. PLSS Maps were created under the Land Ordinance Act of 1785. The basic units of area are section and township.

Public Land Survey System Maps

Cadastral Maps

Cadastral maps include details of ownerships, precise location, and value of individual parcels of property. They are often used in conjuction with other records such as property records, title registery, etc.

Thematic Map

Thematic Maps are maps that reflect a certain theme of an area. Thematic maps are used to show vegetation, land use, soil type, etc., by using different colors or patterns. This map shows the surface temperature of the ocean through color-coding.

map shows colour-coded ocean surface temperature based on satellite observations

Topographic Map

Topographic maps use symbols and coloring to show attention to the various shapes of an area. Relief is shown through the use of contour lines. This is a map from the US Geological Survey. They began producing topographic maps in the 1880's. This map was taken in 1915 of the San Francisco Bay area.

Remote Sensing

Remote sensing maps are maps created through the use of satellites. These types of maps are mainly used for gauging areas affected by disasters such as hurricanes, droughts and flooding. This map was taken by a sattellite to gauge drought indicators.

Planimetric maps

Planimetric maps show only the horizonal features of an area such as geographic things, natural and physical features and roads, buildings, water, etc. This planimetric map is used in preliminary designs for transportation projects.

Mental Map

Mental maps are a guide of the paths we go through in life. These soldiers are looking at the map for what? who to conquer next? Carving our their piece of the world? The dimensions of a country may be influenced by war coverage through the media or through the person's own perception of how they see the size of their country.